[게임] 바이오 하자드4
2008.03.31 21:56
바이오하자드4 비공식 1.5패치를 받았는데 이거 어떻게 사용하는지 아시는 분 있으신가요?
압축파일로 3개를 받았는데 설명서는 영어여서 도통 뭐라고 썼는지 모르겠고 인터넷을 뒤져보아도 패치하는 법은 따로 나와있지 않습니다.
패치하시는 법을 아시는 분은 가리쳐 주세요.
아니면 아래 설명서좀 번역해 주실 수 있으신지;;;
This mod will improve the look of RE4's surroundings. I went through nearly every single environment-texture of the game, detailed it up and sharpened it. So the whole game will get a more sharp and detailed look.
Credits & special thanks to:
albert (without his absolutely stunning work on the RE-texturepatch 2.0 Enh. Env. 1.5 wouldn't have been possible)
Nacery (for his "gamecube-barrel"-mod)
Nacery (for his "gamecube-barrel"-mod)
St.Vampyre (for every tool he made)
installation step by step:
1st: BACKUP the files: "xfile.dat" and "xscr.dat" from your RE4-maindirectory
2nd: create yourself a folder named "xscr\" in your RE4-maindirectory (should look like this: "RE4-maindirectoy"\xscr\)
3rd: "xscr_part1/2.zip"-->these archives contain 70 folders each, extract them to "RE4-maindirectoy"\xscr\
3rd: you'll find a folder called "xfile"("etcmodel" in it) in the modfiles--> copy the xfile-folder into your RE4-maindirectory (should look like this "RE4-maindirectoy"\xfile\etcmodel\)
--> if everything went well you should have 140 folders in the "xscr"-folder and the"etcmodel"-folder in your "xfile"-folder ==>and all this stuff placed in your RE4-maindirectoy
==> "RE4-maindirectoy"\xfile\etcmodel\ and "RE4-maindirectoy"\xscr\"140 other folders"
known issues: - the loading time may increase a bit depending on your hardware
--> my system data: Athlon64 3200+, 2GB RAM, gForce 7800gs(512 MB VRAM) and everything runs fine (permanently 30fps)
please contact me in the case you wish to use my work for other mods
------> shaitan84@web.de
p.s : 유럽판 전용이어서 아시아판은 안된다든가 그렇지는 않겠죠?
- 2.72Kbytes
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