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[외국어_번역] 영어독해 질문입니다, 쬐끔 길어요.



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 Mr Speaker, I want to join동의하다 the Prime Minister in commemorating기념하다 the extraordinary뛰어난 life and unique희귀한 contribution공헌 of Margaret Thatcher. And I want to join him in sending my deepest condolences애도 to her children, Carol and Mark, the whole family and her many, many close친한 friends. Today is an opportunity for us to reflect표하다 on Margaret Thatcher’s personal achievements, her style of politics and her political legacy자산. As the Prime Minister said, the journey from being the child of a grocer to Downing Street is an unlikely믿기어려운 one. And it is particularly특히 remarkable because she was the daughter, not the son, of a grocer. At each stage of her life, she broke the mould. A woman at Oxford when there was not a single woman in the University who held a full어엿한 professorship교수직. A woman chemist when most people assumed scientists had to be men. A woman candidate for Parliament in 1950, against the opposition of some in her local party in Dartford, at the age of only고작 24. A woman MP in 1959 when just 4 per cent of MPs in the whole of this House were women. The only woman in the Cabinet when she was appointed in 1970. And, of course, the first woman Prime Minister. Mr Speaker, it is no wonder she remarked언급하다 as early as 1965 in a speech to the National Union of Town Women’s Guilds’Conference: "In politics if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman." I am sure some people in this House—and no doubt물론 many more in the country - will agree with this sentiment감정. Having broken so many conventions as a woman, it can’t be a coincidence맞음 that she was someone who in so many other areas of life was willing to기꺼히하다 take on the established orthodoxies정설. Margaret Thatcher’s ability to overcome every obstacle in her path is just one measure of her personal strength. And that takes me to her style of politics. You can disagree with Margaret Thatcher. But it is important to understand the kind of political leader she was. What was unusual주목할만한, was that she sought to하고자하다 be rooted in people’s daily lives, but she also believed that ideology mattered. Not for her the contempt경멸 sometimes heaped on듬뿍주다 ideas and new thinking in political life. And while she never would have claimed to be, or wanted to be seen as, an intellectual지식인, she believed, and she showed, that ideas matter in politics. In 1945 Mr Speaker, before the end of the War, she bought a copy of Friedrich Hayek’s Road to Serfdom농노제. There is even a story소문 that she suggested that Conservative Central Office distribute배부하다 it in the 1945 campaign. She said, "it left a permanent영구적인 mark on my political character." And nobody can grasp파악하다 Margaret Thatcher’s achievements, and Thatcherism, without also appreciating인식하다 the ideas that were its foundation. And the way in which they departed from the prevailing우세한 consensus타협 of the time. In typical home-spun소박한 style, on breakfast TV she said this in 1995: "Consensus타협 doesn’t give you any direction. It is like mixing all the constituent요소 ingredients요소 together and not coming out with~로 a cake...Democracy is about the people being given a choice." It was that approach말하다 that enabled her to define the politics of a whole generation and influence the politics of generations to come. The Prime Minister, the Deputy부 Prime Minister and I all came of~이원인이다 age in the 1980s, when you defined your politics by being for or against what she was doing. It’s fair to say, we took different paths. Thirty years on, the people of Britain still argue about her legacy. She was right to understand the sense of aspiration of people across the country. She was right to recognise our economy needed to change. She said in 1982: "How absurd it will seem in a few years time that the state ran Pickfords removals and the Gleneagles Hotel." She was right. And in foreign policy, she was right to defend the Falklands and bravely용감히 reach out손을뻗다 to new leadership in the Soviet Union. And something often forgotten, Mr Speaker, she was the first political leader in any major country to warn of the dangers of climate기후 change. Long before anyone thought of hugging a huskie. But it would be dishonest정직하지못한 and not in keeping with the principles의무공약 that Margaret Thatcher stood for, even on this day, not to be open with this House about the strong opinions and the deep divisions there were, and are, over what she did. In mining areas, like the one I represent, communities felt angry and abandoned. Gay and lesbian people felt stigmatised낙인찍다 by measures like section 28, which today’s Conservative Party has rightly repudiated거부하다. And it was no accident큰사건 that when he became leader of the Conservative Party, the Right Hon Member지역의원 for Chingford wrote a pamphlet, called There is Such a Thing as Society. And on the world stage, as this Prime Minister rightly said in 2006, when he was Leader of the Opposition, she made the wrong judgement about Nelson Mandela and about sanctions제재 in South Africa. Mr Speaker, debates토론 about her and what she represented보여주다 will continue for many years to come. This is a mark of her significance중요성 as a political leader. Someone with deep convictions신념, willing to act작용하다 on them. As she put it: "Politics is more when you have convictions신념 than a matter of multiple다양한 manoeuvrings능수능란함 to get you through책임져주다(2중목적) the problems of the day." And as a person, nothing became에어울리다 her so much그정도는 as the manner방식 of her final years. The loss of her beloved사랑하는 husband, Denis, and her struggle with illness. She bore밀치고나아가다 both with the utmost극최고의 dignity위엄 and courage. The same courage she showed decades수십년간 earlier일찍이 after the atrocity잔혹행위 of the Brighton bombing. And Mr Speaker, I will always remember seeing her at the Cenotaph기념비(장) in frail노쇠한 health건강 but determined to pay her respect to our troops and do her duty by the country. Whatever your view of her, Margaret Thatcher was a unique and towering대단히뛰어난 figure본보기. I disagree with much of what she did.
But I respect what her death means to the many, many people who admired존경하다 her. And I honour her personal achievements. On previous occasions연유, we have come to this House to remember the extraordinary Prime Ministers who have served our nation. Today, we also remember a Prime Minister who defined정의하다 her age.

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2012-02-20 21:09:35 (4694일째)

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댓글목록 5

조율님의 댓글

<span style="font-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular; font-size: 15px; line-height: normal">그녀가 말했듯이, 우리가 직면한 문제들을 잡다한 책략 대신 신념으로 맞서는 것이 바로 정치입니다. 한 사람으로서 그녀의 말년은 고통스러웠습니다. 사랑하던 남편 데니스의 죽음 뿐만 아니라 그녀 자신도 지속적인 병마에 시달렸지만, 그럼에도 일말의 존엄도 잃어버리지 않은 채, 십수년 전의 참혹했던 브라이튼 폭발사태 당시 보여주었던 그 당당한 모습 그대로 &nbsp;버텨 왔습니다. 존경하는 사회자님, 저는 언제나 &nbsp;그녀를 기억할 겁니다. 기력을 잃어가던 와중에도 기념식장에 나타나 우리 군인들에게 보냈던 경의와, 나라를 위해 자신의 의무를 다하던 그 모습 그대로.</span>

<div><span style="font-family: AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular; font-size: 15px; line-height: normal"><br /></span></div>

<div><font face="AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular"><span style="font-size: 14.999999046325684px; line-height: normal">오역이 상당하겠지만, 어감은 이것과 비슷하리라 생각합니다.</span></font></div>

조율님의 댓글

그리고 동영상을 보니까 가끔 자막 오류가 보이는군요.&nbsp;

석완님의 댓글의 댓글

<div>유튜브에 자막 기능인데요,</div>

<div>영어라서 그나마 저정도지 </div>

<div>다른나라말은 완전히 외계어입니다.</div>

A.A.L.님의 댓글

윗부분 번역해봅니다. 영상은 안 보고 하는데 좀 애매한 부분이 있네요.<br /><br />특이했던 점은 그녀는 사람들의 일상에 뿌리를 두기 위해 (기초한다 등의 의미) 노력했지만 그와 동시에 이데올로기 또한 중요하다 믿었다. [Not for her the contempt 이 부분은 영상을 들어야 될 듯; 뭔가 단어가 빠졌습니다]. 경멸함이 아이디어나 정치적 삶에서 새로운 생각들이 나오게 만들었습니다. 그리고, 그녀는 결코 (그녀 자신이) 지식인이라 하거나 그렇게 보이기 원하지 않았겠지만 그녀는 아이디어가 정치에서 중요하다는 것을 믿었고 또 보여주었습니다.<br /><br />아이디어는 발상이나 생각 등으로 치완해도 될 것 같습니다. <em><font color="#ff0000"><br /><br /></font></em>

석완님의 댓글

<div>속이 시원하네요 윗분들 다 도움주셔서 너무너무 감사합니다.</div>
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