[게임_네타] Skyrim: Dragonborn
2013.02.09 22:17
Although Xbox users have been enjoying the latest DLC content for Skyrim for sometime,
it has only been four days since the content was released for PC.
The PS3 version, I have not heard of and I don't care(Yes, I own a PS3, but I don't want to
see a downgraded version-both in graphic and in performance- of such a beautiful game).
The backgournd of the DLC is astonishing. It brings the player back to Morrowind, where Elderscroll 3 took place.
However, as hinted in earlier installmants, Morrowind is a mess. So comes Dragonborn to save the day.
The main story takes much less time to conclude than one of the previous DLCs, Dawngaurd, but I think its a good thing
considering the fact that most time spent on Dawngaurd was due to the dark caves and vast open land that were hard to negivate.
To conclude, this is not a long journey, but a fun and unexpected one, slightly less than the main story of Skyrim itself.
If you are willing to buy it, you just need a day or so to finish it first hand, but a lot more awaits if you are a zealot of the series.
PS. Why doesn't Korean work in my computer....
- 1.28Kbytes
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